mental health awareness

We are generators of love.

When we get lost in our pain, we need a little extra help.

In communities of care, we can rest our hearts.

Tuning into the sacred elements of nature, we can recharge our heart to the frequency of love.

The suffering that humanity is currently experiencing is palpable. Every day the news and social media bombards us with terrible things that have happened this morning, last night, and plans for terrible unknown infinite possibilities into the future. It’s no wonder we have a mental health epidemic.

We don’t have to look too far to see the impact of suffering in our lives, in the lives of our loved ones, our youth, our elders and in our communities. It’s everywhere. Particularly for communities of color. The historical context is absolutely essential. The statistics keep feeding us the story of vulnerable populations that need help. Yet oppressive systems of destruction and forcing us to live a life of servitude is no doubt a downer and high stress situation that debilitates our overall functioning—mentally, physically and spiritually. No doubt that this can change our brain chemistry. Especially if we are eating toxic and genetically modified foods sprayed with pesticides, drinking contaminated water, and breathing polluted air. Especially if we are not living within a community of care.

I write and re-write this story, because I want to tell new stories. Stories of healing, of life, of resilience and power.

Yet the data is undeniably clear! Still I ask?

How is it that 970 million people worldwide are living with a mental health disorder? I ask how many were not captured in this whopping number? I wonder about all the people who are not receiving or won’t have access to any type of treatment. Do they even believe in the treatment available? Do they want it? Is it trustworthy? So many more questions than answers. Why do children experience depression and anxiety at such young ages?

Why is the 4th leading cause of death for youth 15-29 years old suicide? I ponder how my degrees and education could make a difference in all this?

What motivates us to stay alive and feel connected to life? Do we have the capacity to hold a safe space for others? For ourselves? can we admit when we are sad? Angry? Hopeless? What do we do? How do we inspire ourselves to keep moving forward in the midst of mental anguish and deep suffering? Can we find joy? Gratitude? Love? Forgiveness? A path to compassionate action? A sense of community, belonging and participating in loving exchange? Sharing our gifts and talents with the world and knowing we are valued for who we are.

I can hear the whispers of the elders speaking about the sacredness of the breath of life. But without this teaching and this knowing, how can we honor life? What does it even mean? and even so, anyone can get lost in the dark crevices of the mind.

The losses in the world are grand. The capacity we have to become and be generators of love is also grand.

We are generators of love. But when we get lost in our pain, we need a little extra help. In communities of care we can rest our hearts. In tuning into the sacred elements of nature, we can recharge our hearts to the frequency of love once again.


Dr. Laura L. Luna (Dr. Ana) is an Indigenous Wellness Practitioner with a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology (2014), an M.A. in Psychology (2007), & a B.A . in Psychology with a minor in Spanish (2004). She is a Certified Yoga Teacher (RYT 500 HR), Holy Fire Karuna ®Reiki Master Teacher (2012). She is an initiate into the Munay-Ki Shamanic Healing Arts & trained in Ayurvedic Counseling. She is also an IHS SACRED Practitioner, an energy management technique to promote wellness.

She is currently the Founder & President of Luna y Sol Sanctuary (501c3)a nonprofit designed to provide holistic healing services to underserved communities.

She was born in Banning, CA and raised in San Bernardino, CA. Her parents were born in Barstow, Ca & Aguililla, Michoacán, Mexico. Her grandparents are from Jalisco, Zacatecas, & Michoacán, Mexico. She is Xicana & reclaiming her Indigenous heritage as Chichimeca/Purépecha, original peoples of the Americas. Dr. Luna currently resides between California & Nevada. She is a social justice activist currently working on land back movements alongside Indigenous tribal communities that are returning to their role as original stewards of the land. She is also inspired by Indigenous lead food sovereignty projects that promote sustainability and regenerative practices for the people, water & the land. She is a published author in topics of wellness, education & mental health (journal articles, book chapters & a book is on the way).

Her favorite things to do are be outside in nature with her husky dog, observe and gather plants for medicinal use; she loves food, music, and sitting around the sacred fire for connection, community & personal growth.

“When we Heal Ourselves, We Heal the World!” “In Lak’ech hala ken”

For more information or consultation please visit Dr. Luna on the web: &

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